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  3. CALALA 2340 NSW

About Calala


Calala is approximately 61.21 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Calala was 3927. The population is 50% male and 50% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Calala are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $800 to $999 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $350 to $449.


Calala is a suburb of the Northern New South Wales city of Tamworth, administered by Tamworth Regional Council. At the 2006 census Calala had a population of 3,519. Calala is 4.5 kilometres south from the CBD of Tamworth and is connected to the city by Calala Lane, which continues through the suburb to form its main street. A new commercial shopping complex opened in 2006 which now serves the residents of Calala. The complex contains an IGA supermarket, fish and chip takeaway shop, newsagency, bottle shop, butcher, pharmacy and newsagent. Calala also contains a smaller shopping centre consisting of a bottle shop and a general store.

Points of Interest

Calala Inn
City Gate Roadhouse
Coles Express Tamworth (24/7)
Goodstart Early Learning
Hill & Co.
Kingswood Country Store
Liberty Assemblies Of God
Longyard Hotel
Tamworth Southside Uniting Church
Zarraffa's Coffee

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